On October 17, 2016, the University of New Mexico entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice to refine UNM’s policies regarding sexual harassment on campus, which includes sexual misconduct such as assault.

As a part of the agreement, UNM is providing MANDATORY sexual misconduct prevention training to all UNM Students

The Grey are logo

Mandatory Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training

The training module, entitled, "THE GREY AREA," is an in-person and interactive training that is approximately 1.5 hours in length. It is required of all UNM students, including all branch campus students currently enrolled at UNM, except those enrolled in fewer than six credit hours.

Students must complete the in-person training in order to maintain enrollment eligibility for future semesters. Beginning Spring 2018, continuing students will be required to compete online training annually while new students will still be required to complete the in-person sessions.

To register for a Training Session please click on the "Register for 'month' 'day'" button next to appropriate session:

Undergraduate General Sessions
Session Date Time Location Register Below
Friday, March 30, 2018 10:00 AM SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Saturday, April 21, 2018 10:00 AM SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Tuesday, May 1, 2018 10:00 AM SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Tuesday, May 1, 2018 2:00 PM SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Tuesday, June 12, 2018 2:00 PM SSTC 182 This Session Is Now Closed
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 2:00 PM SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Saturday, August 18, 2018 12:00 PM SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Saturday, October 27, 2018 9:30 AM SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Thursday, November 1 2:00 pm SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Saturday, November 17 10:00 am SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Monday, November 26 10:00 am SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Friday, November 30 1:00 pm SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Friday, December 7 10:00 am SSTC 200 This Session Is Now Closed
Friday, March 22 2:30pm SSTC 200 March 22
Thursday, April 18 10:30am SSTC 200 April 18
Saturday, April 27 10:00am SSTC 200 This Session is Now Closed
Friday, May 3 10:30am SSTC 200 May 3
Tuesday, June 4 5:00pm SSTC 200 June 4
Saturday, June 29 10:00am SSTC 200 June 29
Friday, August 2 12:30pm SSTC 200 August 2
Thursday, September 5 5:00pm SSTC 200 September 5
Friday, October 4 10:30am SSTC 200 October 4
Tuesday, December 3 12:30pm SSTC 200 December 3
Thursday, January 30 10:30am SSTC 200 January 30
Tuesday, February 11 10:30am SSTC 200 February 11
Thursday, March 5 10:30am SSTC 200 March 5
CANCELED: Friday, May 1 2:00pm SSTC 200 May 1

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have concerns about this training, please contact Jayme McMahon, Director of Student Affairs, at 505.863.7508 or jmcmahon@unm.edu


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