Accessibility Resource Center

Our Mission

The mission of the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) at UNM-G is to provide assistance and support to students with verified disabilities to equalize their opportunities to successfully access UNM-G programs and services, including instructional programs, student services and extracurricular activities. UNM-G operates an integrated program and services model to maximize and simplify students' opportunities for success.

ARC Staff

Delfred Sam, Abagail Marsh, and Mary Lou Mraz

How do I begin?

If you were using classroom accommodations while you were in High School, you may have an Individualized Education Plan, or I.E.P.

Please bring in your I.E.P., and meet with ARC to determine if your documents qualify you for classroom accommodations in college.

Our hope is to provide a smooth transition into your college experience.

Please review the ARC Intake Form

Take the following form to your next medical appointment:
Disability Verification Request Form .
Your healthcare professional can use their own form if they wish.

A reminder to all ARC Students


Mary Lou Mraz, ARC - Student Success Specialist
UNM-G Contact for 504/ADA Compliance and referral to main campus coordinator
Phone: (505) 863-7527 / 7757
Location: GH 1127

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 6:30pm
Fridays: Student Employees 9am -12pm 1-5pm

Visit in-person for WALK-IN and/or schedule an appointment through:

Helpful Links

ARC for



Notice of

ARC for Instructors

Accessibility Policies

ARC Brochure

Notice of Non-Discrimination

What We Offer

The staff of the ARC is committed to the purpose of serving students with disabilities at the University. Student success is our goal and that Student Service is clear in the manner by which we deliver services. As the University continues to move forward with the use of technology to enhance the teaching/learning process, ARC has followed this path and utilizes assistive technology to improve access and opportunities for student success. Please take advantage of the following resources:

ARC Equipment


Find the description of our equipment in our brochure. ARC Brochure

Private Room

Private Study Room

We have 4 comfortable rooms where you can study without distractions.

SHAC area


Student Health and Counseling. Private Confidential Meetings via computer, in Gurley Hall 1147. Open Monday-Friday by appointment.

Information about SHAC

Studient during testing

Test Scheduling

There are two rooms available to take tests in a quiet environment. To make appointments to test please contact ARC with your class time, exam date, and exam time. Please review our taking test hours deadline.

Temporal Disabilities/Injuries

For Temportal Disabilities/Injuries please contact the following Assisting offices:

  • Accessibility Resource Center
    (505) 863-7757
  • Dean of Instruction - (505) 863-7679
  • Parking and Campus Police - (505) 763-7620

Title IX Contact Information

UNM-G Contact for Title IX and referral to main campus coordinator:

Jayme McMahon, Director of Student Affairs
(505) 863-7508 -

UNM Main Campus Title IX Coordinator

Heather Cowan, Title IX Coordinator
(505) 277-5251 -

Explore more Students options:

Advisement Graduation Code of Conduct Orientation LoboRESPECT