New Student Orientation

At the onset of each term, Student Services offers orientation sessions to welcome students and provide valuable campus resource information for student success. The sessions are usually two hours in length and cover such topics as: how to become a successful college student, how to get my textbooks, LoboRESPECT, code of conduct, FERPA, understanding bursar, TRIO, tutoring and other available services, facilities, and more. All incoming new and transfer students are required to participate in New Student Orientation, since it has been shown that the academic success rate is higher for those students who have attended an orientation session. At this time there will be a variety of speakers that will present on each topic and several helpful handouts will be provided.

Students will be asked to sign up for a scheduled session in the advisement department. Students must attend the entire two hour session to get full credit and to have their holds removed to register for classes. We want you to enjoy your college experience and be successful, so please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

New Student Orientation

- Fall 2018

- Spring 2019

Get in touch with an
Academic Advisor today


New Student Orientation

Office hours:

Monday - Friday:
8:00am - 6:00pm

Phone: (505) 863-7706

Location: Student Services Technology Center (SSTC) 226

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University of New Mexico - Gallup,
705 Gurley Ave.
Gallup, NM 87301
(505) 863-7500