Become a Lobo. Check.

Is your mind racing just thinking about everything you need to get done before this deadline or that deadline? We wouldn’t be surprised if it were. This handy checklist will help organize your thoughts and keep up on track. Okay, let’s do this.

Information you should know about UNM-Gallup



Finish strong. Don’t get too comfortable in your final year or high school. Students who finish big tend to start college strong.


Have you taken everything you need to take? Talk to a guidance counselor. Make sure you’re ready for the transition to college.


UNM-Gallup doesn’t require ACT or SAT scores for admission, but scores can be used for placement purposes. So be ready. Study. Remember your highest scores are the ones that count.

Applications are accepted until two weeks before the start of each term.



Submit an online application by the deadline for the term you want to start. Or send a hard copy application.
How to Apply

Official Transcripts

Have schools/colleges send official transcripts directly to:
UNM-Gallup Office of Admissions,
705 Gurley Ave.,
Gallup, NM 87301, or email:

Financial Aid

Apply for Federal at Also, there are many scholarships available. For more information go to
Financial Aid

Placement Exam

For those who haven’t taken the ACT or SAT, take the Placement exam at our testing center, no appointment necessary.
Testing Center

NetID and Password

Create your NetID and Password at:

Academic Advisors

Plan your schedule with an Academic Advisor.
Academic Advisors

New Student Orientation

Schedule your new student orientation by calling (505) 863-7760.


You are a Lobo!
You are officially a UNM-Gallup student!

Explore more Getting Started options:

Academic Calendar Academic Catalog Degrees & Certificates Registration Scholarships