Commencement exercises are held twice per year, at the end of the spring and fall semester. Attendance is optional. Students whose requirements were completed and degrees conferred in the preceding summer session, fall or spring semester are invited to attend.

Spring 2018 Commencement

Date: Saturday, December 15, 2018
Time: TBD
Location: TBA

Graduation Information

  • Keep a current checklist on your courses and when it looks like you are about a semester away from graduation, submit an Application to Graduate to your Academic Advisor.
  • Your Advisor will verify that you are close to graduating and will check for compliance with other university policies such as the requirement of a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
  • Assuming that you meet these requirements, your name will be put on a potential graduation list.
  • Finally, when grades are posted for your last semester's work, a final check is completed and your name is forwarded for issue of your diploma.
  • You will need to provide current, accurate mailing information to the university to receive the diploma which usually arrives a couple of months after the actual graduation ceremony.

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Advisement Graduation Code of Conduct Orientation LoboRESPECT