Phone: (505) 863-7706
Our Mission
The mission of Career Services is to empower students to identify and maximize the connection between what they learn and how they make a living. Ultimately, it is crucial for students to self-manage their own lifetime career development. To that end, we offer comprehensive services to facilitate self-assessment, skill identification, career exploration, decision-making, career preparation and graduate school selection. Partnering with faculty, staff, alumni and employers we seek to guide students toward active citizenship in an interdependent world through productive and satisfying work.
Personalized Career Advisement
We can help with your career issue. This includes looking over your resume and cover letter, as well as assisting you in searching for internships and/or full or part-time positions.
On-Campus Recruitment Events
We provide tables and rooms for employers currently recruiting and looking to hire UNM-G students and graduates. Every semester we offer career events, including the Welcome Students event with employer tables, and other career fairs throughout the year. We host the Hospitality Career Fair, the Law Enforcement/Military/Firefighter Career Fair, and more.