Assessment is a wide variety of methods to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, and skill acquisition of students.
UNM Core Curriculum Common SLOs
- Area I, II, and III reports should be submitted by the end of 2017.
- Area IV and V reports should be submitted by 2018 but the data should be collected during this year and next year.
- Area VI and VII reports should be submitted by 2019. Keep collecting data for 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- Tom Kaus (Chair)
- Alok Dhital
- Sylvia Andrew
- Kelly Schukar
- Yi-Wen Huang
Program Assessment
Reports Due: October 6, 2017
Assessment Resources
- Report for Faculty Assembly Meeting 04-15-2016
- UNM Academic Program Assessment Handbook
- Designing an Assessment Plan
- University of New Mexico Student Learning Goals
- Assessment Cycle: 6-Steps
- Direct and Indirect Measures of Student Learning
- Guidelines for Writing Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
- UNM Office of Assessment
Course Level
Assessment - General
Education Assessment (NMHED)
Reports Due: December 15, 2017
"UNM Core Curriculum Common SLOs by Area"
- Area I - Writing and Speaking
- Area II - Mathematics
- Area III - Physical and Natural Sciences
- Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Area V - Humanities
- Area VI - Foreign Languages
- Area VII - Fine Arts
Explore more Faculty & Staff options:
Assessment Staff Senate Faculty Assembly Online Memorial Assembly Ops. Committee