Mission and Vision of the UNM Gallup LGBTQ* Out and Ally List:

The UNM Gallup Out and Ally list is a network of faculty, staff, and instructors. The members of this network have have pledged to act as allies to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual members of the UNM Gallup community.

Their pledge includes:
- Doing their best to ensure that their students, co-workers, and colleagues feel safe and supported
- Standing up against hetersexism, genderism, homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia
- Working to create an inclusive environment for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations

We invite all interested faculty, staff, and instructors of the UNM-Gallup community to join us or contact us with ideas or questions.

Out and Ally List:

In addition to pledging allegiance to the LGBTQQIA community at UNM, the individuals whose names are followed by a ** wish to be identified as an "out" member of the LGBTQQIA community.

  • Lilia Cuciuc (Math)
  • Alok Dhital (Math)
  • Robert Galin (English)
  • Shirley Heying (Anthropology)
  • Yi-Wen Huang (English)
  • Laura Jijon (Adult Education)
  • Frank Loera (Business and Applied Technology)
  • Lillian Makeda (Art History)
  • Carolyn Kuchera (English)
  • Matthew Mingus (History)
  • Lora Stone (Sociology) **
  • Pamela Stovall (Journalism)
  • Sabrina Ezzell (Nursing)

Phone: (505) 726-6473

Location: Gurley Hall Basement Rm 213

Email: lgbtqrc@unm.edu

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Helpful Links

LGBTQ RC Homepage


Trans Inclusion & Equity at UNM