The community is invited to make use of the UNM-Gallup campus for workshops, seminars and meetings. UNM-G has a variety of facilities available for public use including classrooms, auditorium-style lecture halls, open spaces in the Commons area and other locations which can fit a variety of needs.

Please read the following documents before requesting usage of a UNM-G facility:

Meeting Spaces

Please see the list of facilities and their description in three of our buildings: Student Services and Technology Center (SSTC), Gurley Hall (GH) and Calvin Hall Center (CHC) below:

SSTC 200

SSTC 200

Room 200 in SSTC is a modern style classroom with tables and chairs. Equipped with a projector/screen and sound system. The maximum capacity is 100 people. The cost for half of the day is $175 and full day is $350.

GH 1124

Gurley Hall 1124

Room 1124 in Gurley Hall is a lecture style room with desk-and-seat combo. Equipped with a projector/screen and sound system. The maximum capacity is 52 people. The cost for half of the day is $50 and full day is $100.

GH Commons Area

Gurley Hall Commons

Commons Area in Gurley Hall is a banquet style area. Not equipped with a projector/screen or sound system. Additional requests are needed for visuals and/or sound. The maximum capacity is 500 people. The cost for half of the day is $175 and full day is $350. Also, we can set up 2 tables and 4 chairs for 4 hours in $25.

CHC 248A

CHC 248A

Room 248 section A in Calvin Hall Center is an auditorium style room with desk-and-seat combo. Not equipped with a projector but does have a built in screen. The maximum capacity is 90 people. The cost for half of the day is $65 and full day is $125.

CHC 248B

CHC 248B

Room 248 section B in Calvin Hall Center is an auditorium style room with desk-and-seat combo. Equipped with a projector and sound system. The maximum capacity is 102 people. The cost for half of the day is $75 and full day is $150.

CHC 248C

CHC 248C

Room 248 section C in Calvin Hall Center is an auditorium style room with desk-and-seat combo. Not equipped with a projector but does have a built in screen. The maximum capacity is 98 people. The cost for half of the day is $65 and full day is $125.


Room 248 sections A B and C in Calvin Hall Center is a large auditorium style room with desk-and-seat combo. Equipped with a projector and sound system. The maximum capacity is 252 people. The cost for half of the day is $175 and full day is $350.

Please call Linda Begayne at (505) 863-6351 or to discuss scheduling needs and availability.

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Community Education Facilities Food Service Workforce Development