We have instituted many programs at UNM Gallup to ensure your safety while on campus, but safety really begins with you. The following are some tips to help protect your self from crime:
- If you go out for a late night snack or study break, go with a friend, not alone.
- Walk purposefully. Look confident. Watch where you are going. Be alert to your surroundings.
- Use well-lighted, well-traveled routes. Avoid short cuts through isolated areas.
- Lock all doors and close all windows when leaving your car, whether it is for a few minutes or for several hours.
- Have keys ready when you approach your car. Check the car for intruders before entering and lock your door immediately after getting into your car.
- Always lock your bike or motorcycle when leaving it unattended, even if it is only for a few minutes. Use the U-shaped high security lock whenever possible.
- If you witness a crime, call UNM Gallup Police immediately.
- List only first initials and last name in telephone directories.
- Hang up immediately on obscene telephone calls.
- Don't keep large sums of money in your office, study area or apartment.
- Lock doors and windows, even if you are just going out for a minute. If you are a victim of a crime or become aware of any suspicious circumstances, call UNM Gallup Police immediately.
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