ACCUPLACER tests your knowledge in math, reading, and writing. Over 1,500 institutions administer ACCUPLACER tests as part of the enrollment process. These tests help identify your strengths and needs in each subject area. The academic advisers and counselors at your college or technical school will use your ACCUPLACER test results along with information about your academic background, goals, and interests to help you take courses that match your skill level and give you the best opportunities for success.

The ACCUPLACER Test is on Walk-In basis:
Monday - Friday
Session starts at 8:30AM - 3:00PM

Test Proctor Services

Proctoring services are available at the testing center for UNM-Gallup campus students and Outside University students.

Proctor testing is available:
Monday – Friday
8:30AM– 3:00PM

Placement Testing

The Placement test is available free of charge on your first attempt to all enrolled UNM-Gallup students. All additional attempts thereafter will be charged a retake fee. It is required for all new students in certificate or degree programs and for students who do not possess a high school or GED diploma or show lower scores on their ACT and SAT scores. Students in the above categories may not enroll for courses unless they complete the placement test and have been reviewed with an advisor. The test is given in the areas of writing skills, reading, comprehension, and mathematics.

The purpose of the placement test is to assist students in selecting the level in English and Mathematics at which they can succeed. The placement test takes anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. While there is no risk of failing these tests, it is recommended that you do your absolute best to ensure appropriate placement.

Placement testing is provided on a walk-in basis and if you have any further questions, please call the advisement counter at 505.863.7706.

Adherence to placement results is mandatory for all students planning to enroll in, or already enrolled in UNM Gallup Campus coursework

Study Guide Link


Office hours:

Monday - Friday:
8:00am - 6:00pm

Phone: (505) 863-7706

Location: Student Services Technology Center (SSTC) 226

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Testing Tips for Success

  • It is best if you have eaten and are well rested before taking any test. Allow yourself plenty of time to take the test.
  • We are here to help, ask questions if you do not understand directions before each test begins. Read directions carefully. Make sure you understand the material.
  • Visit online: Practice and Be Prepared for ACCUPLACER for available study guides
  • Find a comfortable, quiet place to study. Such as the Center for Academic Learning (CAL)
  • Space out your studying, focusing on one subject at a time.
  • Do your best. Scores are used to determine how long it will take you to meet your educational goals

Academic Dishonesty

Adopted by the President
June 15, 1992
Subject to Change Without Notice

"Academic dishonesty" includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty in quizzes, tests, or assignments; claiming credit for work not done or done by others; hindering the academic work of other students; misrepresenting academic or professional qualifications within or without the University; and non-disclosure or misrepresentation in filling out applications or other University records. Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, against any student who is found guilty of academic dishonesty or who otherwise fails to meet the expected standards. Any student judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work may receive a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or for the course.