College Assessment Review Committee (CARC)

Charge of the Committee

1. Responsibilities

By request, the committee shall

  1. Assist in the development of program assessment plans to include program goals, student learning outcomes and measures of learning.
  2. Review and score program assessment plans for reporting and recommendation to the Dean of Instruction.
  3. Review and score program assessment annual reports for progress in implementing and revising plans for assessing and improving student learning outcomes and recommending complete reports to the Dean of Instruction.

2. Membership

  1. No fewer than five (5) members of the faculty, one of whom is elected chair, but preferably a representative from each degree-granting division.
  2. The Dean of Instruction or designee.
  3. The campus institutional researcher or designee and the campus assessment coordinator.
  4. Such expert assistance or appointees of the Senate President as needed.
  5. All faculty on the committee are voting members.

3. Meetings

  • As needed, but at least three (3) times a semester.

4. Proceedings of the committee will be reported to the Operations Committee of the Faculty Senate.