Transferring to UNM-Gallup

Students who wish to transfer to UNM-Gallup from other schools must meet the same admissions requirements as all other applicants. Check out Admission Requirements

A transfer evaluation, reflecting those transfer credits acceptable at UNM, will be generated only after the student is officially admitted to a degree program at UNM-Gallup or UNM Albuquerque.

Transfer Students will be awarded full credit for coursework completed with grades of "C" or higher at fully accredited institutions if the courses are the same or equivalent to UNM courses.

Neither UNM nor UNM-Gallup, however, accepts remedial coursework for transfer. Only credit earned in non-technical subjects is initially accepted from technical institutes, which are accredited by a regional collegiate accrediting association.

Normally, no credit is accepted by UNM from technical institutes, business schools, or other post high school institutions which are not members of regional collegiate accrediting associations.

However, students applying to, or currently enrolled in, the University who have earned technical credit which they believe would be applicable to the program they are pursuing may have official transcripts sent from their previous schools to the UNM-Gallup Office of Admissions. It will then be the student’s responsibility to request referral of the transcript by the Admissions Office to the department of the University having supervision over his/her particular program.

The department will determine whether any of the credit is acceptable to its program and return the transcript, with recommendations, to the Office of Admissions. An interview or demonstration of competence, or both, may be required before the decision regarding credit is made.

Acceptance of such credit would be binding only to the specific program recommending credit. It would be subject to reevaluation should the student later enter another program offered by the University.

To receive transfer credit from previous institutions, official transcripts from those institutions must be mailed directly to:
UNM-Gallup - Office of Admissions
705 Gurley Avenue
Gallup, NM 87301.

Transferability of Courses

The institution to which the student transfers determines the transferability of courses taken at UNM-Gallup.

General education (e.g. Math, English, Sciences, Humanities, etc) courses numbered 101 or above are generally accepted by other institutions when these courses are part of, or are applicable to, a degree program at that institution.

Career/Technical Courses

Students are also cautioned that certain courses are considered to be career/technical courses and are not acceptable for baccalaureate credits except by petition to, and acceptance from, a UNM degree-granting program such as Training and Learning Technologies.

In addition, these courses are not calculated in a student’s grade point average if they are accepted into a UNM degree-granting program.

Your advisor can help identify which courses are considered career/technical.

Admissions Information:

Special Admission Options
New Mexico Residency
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