AS Science

Associate of Science in Science

The Associate of Science Degree in Science provides a broad background of coursework and preparation for the student who plans to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a baccalaureate degree in science, engineering, or a health related field. Because of variations in academic preparation and career aspirations, each student in the AS in Science program is required to meet with a Mathematics and Science Department Advisor to develop an individualized program. The program outlines the sequence of required courses and electives the student will take.

Course Requirements

AA Science


Arts and Sciences Division: (505) 863-7572.

Advisement Center: (505) 863-7706.

Tom Kaus, Math Coordinator
(505) 863-7537 - CH 270A

Vicki Olson, Lecturer II, Math & Science
(505)863-7591 - HC 1124