AA Liberal Arts

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts

The Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts is designed to provide the first two years of study for the student who plans to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in a liberal arts field. Upon completion of the degree, a student should have broad introductory courses to satisfy the General Education requirements of most four-year institution and be accepted into the academic department of his or her choice. The core curriculum requires one course chosen from any of the lower division non-English Language offerings of the Departments of Linguistics, Spanish and Portuguese, and Foreign Languages and Literature.

Course Requirements

AA Liberal Arts


Arts and Sciences Division: (505) 863-7572.

Advisement Center: (505) 863-7706.

Joe H. Kee, Jr., Arts & Sciences Interim Division Chair
(505) 863-7594 SSTC 130

Carolyn Kuchera, English Coordinator
(505) 863-7602 SSTC 136