Why English at UNM-Gallup?
Relatively small class sizes mean that students are able to form solid relationships with not only their professors, but also their fellow classmates. As a result, students benefit from ample feedback and support as they develop their own “voice” through writing, reading discussions, and group projects.
Students who are pursuing an AA in Liberal Arts may choose a concentration in English . An Associate’s degree with an English concentration may lead to entry-level positions in business and communications, including: copywriter, receptionist, administrative assistant, and instructional aid. Students interested in pursuing English beyond the two-year degree can transfer to another institution and enroll in a bachelor’s program in English. Within a 200 mile radius of Gallup, there are at least five institutions offering Bachelors of Arts in English: University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, Northern Arizona University, San Juan College, Fort Lewis College, and the Institute of American Indian Arts (Creative Writing only). Let the AA in Liberal Arts with a concentration in English be your springboard to educational and career success!
What You Will Learn
Creativity. Interpretation. Critical Thinking. These are some of the transformative skills you’ll learn in English courses. Through careful reading, writing, and research you’ll be empowered to approach the world on your terms, in your own words.
Core English courses at UNM-G share vital learning objectives.
For English 110, learning objectives include: to write using English diction, grammar and mechanics appropriate to context and rhetorical purpose; to integrate others’ positions and perspectives into their writing ethically, appropriately and effectively in various mediums and technologies; and, to formulate a main idea into a thesis and support that thesis in writing with observations and evidence.
Learning objectives for English 120 include: to argue, in writing, for a point of view using opinion, facts and inferences from primary and/or secondary research; to analyze arguments, from a variety of genres, for strategic claims, evidence and rhetorical context; and, to synthesize secondary research in writing and apply bibliographic citation style(s).
Other core courses in English and Composition include: The Study of Literature, Expository Writing, Fairy and Folk Tales, World Literature, and Technical Writing.