Collision Repair Technology Certificate Program

Certificate in Collision Repair Technology (33 Credits)

The Collision Repair Technology Certificate is designed for the student who wishes to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to meet the entry-level employment standards as an automotive technician, service writer, painter, re-finisher, parts/sales, or component re-builder.

Please consult with your advisor for current transferability information.


Writing and Speaking: (3 credits)
ENGL 119 Technical Communications 3cr
Business Management & Technology: (3 credits)
IT 101 Computer Fundamentals OR
DRFT 115 AutoCAD Level I 3cr
Mathematics: (3 credits)
MATH 115 Technical Math 3cr


CRT 101 Basic Auto Body 4cr
CRT 103 Paint & Refinishing Equipment 4cr
CRT 105 Auto Welding 4cr
CRT 106 Restoring Corrosion Protection 4cr
CRT 107 Auto Glass/Restraint Systems 4crv

Approved Electives: (4 credits)

Select two or more courses, equivalent to 4 or more cr/hrs. AUTT 111, 115, 130, 157, 170, 203, 210, 213 (6cr/hrs each); AUTT 167 or 230 (3cr/hrs each); AUTT 295 (3-9cr/hrs); WLDT 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 141, 251 (4cr/hrs each); ARTS 106, 205, 207


Recommended Course Sequence for full-time Students (part-time Students should see an Academic Advisor to customize their educational plan)

Term 1 - 14cr/hrs

IT 101 - 3crv
MATH 115 - 3cr
CRT 101 - 4cr
CRT 103 - 4cr

Term 2 - 19cr/hrs

ENGL 119 - 3cr
CRT 105 - 4cr
CRT 106 - 4cr
CRT 107 - 4cr
CRT Elective 4cr

Collision Repair Technology Certificate Program


Advisement Center: (505) 863-7706.

Cliff Burnham, Lecturer, Collision Technology
(505) 863-7530

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