AA Criminal Justice Corrections

Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice - Corrections Option (65 Credits)

This degree program is designed for the student who plans to transfer to a four-year institution or for those students who desire to gain employment in the criminal justice field upon completion of the degree requirements. A student pursuing the Associate of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice may choose either the law enforcement or the corrections option depending on his or her career preference.

Please consult with your advisor for current transferability information.


Writing and Speaking: (9 credits)
ENGL 110 Accelerated Composition 3cr
ENGL 120 Composition III 3cr
CJ 130 Public Speaking 3cr
Foreign Language: (3 credits)
Humanities: (3 credits)
Math: (3 credits)
MATH 121 College Algebra 3cr
Natural Science: (4 credits)
Social and Behavioral Science: (12 credits)
SOC 213 Social Deviance
Health Promotion/Physical Education: (2 credits)
Criminal Justice Core: (23 credits)
CRJS 111 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3cr
CRJS 108 Defensive Tactics I 2cr
CRJS 132 Introduction to Criminology 3cr
CRJS 201 Criminal Law I 3cr
CRJS 210 Police and Safety 3cr
CRJS 230 Introduction to Corrections 3cr
CRJS 222 Constitutional Criminal Procedure
CRJS 292 Criminal Justice Internship 3cr
Criminal Justice Electives: (6 credits)
Choose 6 credit hours of Criminal Justice related courses.


Recommended Course Sequence for full-time Students (part-time Students should see an Academic Advisor to customize their educational plan)

Term 1 - 17cr/hrs

ENGL 110 - 3cr
Social Science - 3cr
CRJS 111 - 3cr
CRJS 230 - 3cr
CRJS Elective - 3cr
Health/PE 2cr

Term 2 - 18cr/hrs

ENGL 120 - 3cr
Behavioral Science - 3cr
CJ 130 - 3cr
MATH 121 - 3cr
CRJS 132 - 3cr
CRJS 210 - 3cr

Term 3 - 16cr/hrs

CRJS 201 - 3cr
CRJS 222 - 3cr
Foreign Language - 3cr
Natural Science - 4cr
SOC 213 - 3

Term 4 - 14cr/hrs

CRJS 108 - 2cr
CRJS 292 - 3cr
CRJS Elective - 3cr
Behavioral Science - 3cr
Humanities - 3cr

Criminal Justice


Advisement Center: (505) 863-7706.

Floyd Kezele, Associate Professor
(505) 863-7750

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